LBX — Langage du Balisage eXtensible

XML that might just work.

Emit clean XML with hiccup-style keyword s-expressions.


je.suis/lbx {:mvn/version "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"}
(require [je.suis.lbx :refer [emit CDATA]])

  [:rss {:version "2.0" :xmlns:atom ""}
    [:title "My totally sick RSS feed"]
    [:description [CDATA "Only the illest <items> from this feed, yo. & also no mess regarding this <![CDATA[CDATA thing lol]]]>"]]]])
; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
; <rss xmlns:atom="" version="2.0">
;   <channel>
;     <title>My totally sick RSS feed</title>
;     <description><![CDATA[Only the illest <items> from this feed, yo. & also no mess regarding this <![CDATA[CDATA thing lol]]]]]><![CDATA[>]]></description>
;   </channel>
; </rss>